Research Topics (TDK) / Thesis

If you are interested in a given research topic make and keep contact with the project coordinator by email, please!

Attila Bacsi

Gabor Koncz


/FULL/ The effect of vitamins on the immune response

Only for theoretical thesis work, candidates will not be involved to laboratorical work.

Requirements: good or excelent grade in immunology.


/FULL/ Effect of antibiotics on the human microbiome

Only for theoretical thesis work, candidates will not be involved to laboratorical work.

Requirements: good or excelent grade in immunology.


/FULL/ Molecular regulaltion of the immunological outcomes of cell death pathways

Requirements: excelent grade in immunology


Beside the intensity of cell death, the immunological outcome of cell death has a fundamental impact on the evolution of degenerative disorders, autoimmune processes, inflammatory diseases and immune survaillence of tumors.

The goal of the project is to study the signal transduction of necroptosis, the cross-regulation between apoptotic and necroptic cell death pathways and to investigate the cell death induced immunological reactions

Tünde Fekete

Interaction between gut microbiota and immunity in health and disease
Only for theoretical thesis work, candidates will not be involved in laboratory work.
Requirements: good or excellent grade in immunology.

The microbiota-gut-brain axis and its role in inflammatory disorders
Only for theoretical thesis work, candidates will not be involved in laboratory work.
Requirements: excellent grade in immunology.

Last update: 2025. 01. 28. 10:32