Available thesis titles

Title Tutor Contact
The role of innate lymphoid cells (ILC) in human diseases Attila Bácsi M.Sc., Ph.D, D.Sc. e-mail
The role of innate immune cells in the development of allergic responses
The role of the HOFI/ SH3PXD2B adaptor protein int he regulation of the tumor microenvironment Árpád Lányi M.Sc., Ph.D. e-mail
Study of non-apoptotic cytotoxic processes during immune response,new way of killing apoptosis resistant tumor cells Gábor Koncz M.Sc., Ph.D. e-mail
Altered differentiation of monocyte derived dendritic cells and their functional differences Péter Gogolák M.Sc., Ph.D. e-mail
Identification of new viral senzors and new regulatory mechanisms in the antiviral responses of human dendritic cells Kitti Pázmándi M.Sc., Ph.D. e-mail
Role of dendritic cells in the development of autoimmune diseases
Investigation of transient receptor potential channels on human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
Attila Szöllősi M.Sc., Ph.D. e-mail
Investigation of phytocannabinoid effects on human monocyte-derived dendritic cells


Last update: 2023. 07. 06. 09:23